Display Result » CTH/1


The council is committed to protecting and, where appropriate, enhancing its cultural and heritage assets. This will be achieved by:

  1. Ensuring that the location of new development on both allocated and windfall sites within the Plan Area will not have a significant adverse impact upon heritage assets in line with Policies CTH/2 – ‘Development Affecting Heritage Assets’, DP/3 – ‘Promoting Design Quality and Reducing Crime’ & DP/6 – ‘National Planning Policy and Guidance’;
  2. Recognising and respecting the value and character of heritage assets in the Plan Area and publishing Supplementary Planning Guidance to guide development proposals in line with Policy DP/7 – ‘Local Planning Guidance’;
  3. Seeking to preserve and, where appropriate, enhance conservation areas, Conwy World Heritage Site, historic landscapes, parks and gardens, listed buildings, scheduled ancient monuments and other areas of archaeological importance in line with Policies DP/6 & DP/7;
  4. Protecting buildings and structures of local importance in line with policy CTH/3 – ‘Buildings and Structure of Local Importance’ and supplementary planning guidance;
  5. Enhancing heritage assets through heritage and regeneration initiatives;
  6. Preserving and securing the future of heritage assets by only permitting appropriate enabling development in line with policy CTH/4 – ‘Enabling Development’;
  7. Ensuring that development in Welsh-speaking communities is compatible with the long-term viability of the Welsh Language in line with Policy CTH/5 – ‘The Welsh Language’.

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