Display Result » DP/9


Regeneration proposals in Colwyn Bay will be concentrated within the Colwyn Bay Masterplan (CBMP) area as shown on the proposals map. These proposals aim to overcome economic decline, deprivation and accessibility through active redevelopment and new proposals. In meeting the identified development needs of Colwyn Bay, the Council supports the following CBMP objectives:

  1. Making provision for new dwellings in line with Strategic Policy HOU/1 - Meeting the Housing Need;
  2. Generating economic and social activity, leading to sustainable social and economic regeneration;
  3. Making provision for convenience retail development in line with Strategic Policy CFS/1;
  4. Remodelling the layout of Parc Eirias with clustering of the sports facilities to the southern boundary and improved pedestrian access across the Dingle;
  5. Contributing to buildings and structures with local or national heritage importance through sympathetic enhancement or conservation proposals;
  6. Integrate proposals for the improvement and development of the waterfront to include coastal defence works and the enhancement of the area as a tourism and leisure facility/attraction in line with Strategic Policy STR/1;
  7. Remodelling and development of the Bay View Shopping Centre so as to integrate it more closely with the town centre and other areas with new retail provision in line with Strategic Policy CFS/1;
  8. Improvements to the transport hub in the Station Square including realigned highways and new public realm in line with Strategic Policy STR/1.

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