Display Result » HOU/10


  1. The Council will control the development of Houses in Multiple Occupation to aid regeneration, improve housing quality and choice, and contribute to an enhanced environment within the Plan Area.  This will be achieved by resisting all proposals to create Houses in Multiple Occupation.
  2. The sub-division of residential properties within the Urban Development Strategy Area to self contained flats will be permitted provided that:

  1. The scheme of conversion and change of use does not create a House in Multiple Occupation;
  2. Where appropriate, the development complies with the Development Principles, the Council’s Parking Standards and all self contained flats are designed to a high quality in line with the Assembly Government’s Development Quality Requirements – Design Standards and Guidance 2005 which includes space and Lifetime Home standards and the minimum standards to be met in relation to the Code for Sustainable Homes;
  3. The level of resident activity and traffic generated would not seriously impact upon the privacy and the amenity of occupants of neighbouring properties;
  4. The Development is supported by an identified need set out in the Local Housing Market Assessment (Phase 2).

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