Display Result » NTE/4


  1. New development should aim to conserve and, where possible, enhance biodiversity through:

  1. Sensitive siting, avoiding European protected sites or those of national or local importance,
  2. Sensitive layout and design which avoids or mitigates any identified adverse impact on biodiversity,
  3. The programming of development to mitigate adverse impacts on biodiversity and species,
  4. Creating, enhancing and managing wildlife habitats and natural landscapes,
  5. Integrating biodiversity measures into the built environment,
  6. Contributing to achieving targets in the Conwy Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP),
  7. Providing for a management agreement with the Local Planning Authority to secure the retention and long term future of biodiversity interests.

  1. All proposals should include a Biodiversity Statement conforming to the guidance outlined in Supplementary Planning Guidance LDP5 – ‘Biodiversity in Planning’
  2. The Council will refuse proposals which would have a significant impact on a European Site, protected or priority species or their habitat unless the impact is adequately mitigated and appropriate remediation and enhancement measures are proposed and secured by planning conditions or obligations.
  3. Exceptionally, where the economic or social benefits of a proposal outweigh harm to an important site or species, the approach will be first to avoid or minimise the harm, then to seek mitigation of the impact in order to ensure no net loss of biodiversity.  Planning conditions and obligations will be used as appropriate to secure this.

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