Display Result » NTE/7


The efficient use and conservation of natural resources are essential to the overall quality of life within the Plan Area and to support wider social and economic sustainability objectives.  The Council will:

  1. Promote higher levels of energy efficiency achieved through sustainable design and construction techniques ensuring that all new residential dwellings (as set out in Strategic Policy HOU/1 ‘Meeting the Housing Need’) are constructed to achieve an initial minimum of Code Level 3 (plus 6 credits), progressing to Code Level 6 (under the Code for Sustainable Homes scheme) and all new non-residential developments achieve a sustainability rating of ‘very good’ (under the BREEAM Scheme) and in accordance with Table 10 NTE6g. Pre-assessments will be expected to be submitted as part of planning application proposals.
  2. Promote renewable energy sources within development proposals which support energy generation from biomass, marine, waste, solar and wind sources, including micro generation where this is acceptable, in terms of impact on quality of life, amenity, viability and biodiversity in line with Policies DP/6 and NTE/8.
  3. Ensure that all housing schemes over 10 dwellings and employment development schemes over 1000m2 include measures to generate 10-25% of its energy requirement from on-site renewable energy sources, in accordance with Table 10 NTE/6g
  4. Ensure that all new developments incorporate the principles of sustainable design such as: appropriate layout, massing, orientation, use of materials, rain water harvesting, energy efficiency, sustainable drainage, and waste recycling areas/storage in line with the Development Principle Policies and NTE/9 to NTE/11.
  5. Provide an SPG on Renewable Energy in relation to national guidance provided by the Welsh Assembly Government, in line with Policy DP/7 ‘Local Planning Guidance.
  6. Support proposals which reduce the use of new materials in construction, utilise recycled materials and maximise opportunities for the subsequent reuse of materials in line with the Development Principles and Strategic Policy MWS/1 – Mineral and Waste’.

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