Display Result » STR/1


Development will be located so as to minimise the need to travel.  Convenient access via footways, cycle infrastructure and public transport should exist or be provided where appropriate, thereby encouraging the use of these modes of travel for local journeys and reducing the need to travel by private car and improving the accessibility of services to those with poor availability of transport.  The Council will endeavour to improve accessibility and seek to change travel behaviour.  This will be achieved by working with our partners to:

  1. Focus future development in the County Borough in highly accessible locations, predominantly along the A55 and railway network within and on the edge of the Urban Development Strategy Area within the coastal belt in line with Policy DP/2 – ‘Overarching Strategic Approach’.  All development proposals will be assessed against the Council’s Parking Standards set out in Policy STR/2 – ‘Parking Standards SPG’, mitigate travel in line with Policy STR/3 – ‘Mitigating Travel Impact’ and promote sustainable modes in line with Policy STR/4 – ‘Non-Motorised Travel’:
  2. Safeguard land to promote accessible communities that encourage integrated sustainable modes of travel in line with Policies STR/5 – ‘Integrated Sustainable Transport System’ and STR/6 – ‘Railfreight’. The Council will further improve public transport and increase modal shift towards sustainable modes through the promotion of a more frequent and reliable public transport service. Improvements to rail stations and bus stations will be sought to assist interchanges between modes and promote sustainable travel behaviour. Development shall contribute towards these improvements where the need is required in line with the Policies DP/1 to DP/7. Improvement routes identified in the Regional Transport Plan for Conwy shall be safeguarded;
  3. Promote walking and cycling throughout the County Borough as part of an integral and highly sustainable means of transport in line with Policy DP/4 – ‘Development Criteria’. The design and construction of facilities and infrastructure will be improved to make walking and cycling more attractive, direct and safe in line with Policy DP/3 – ‘Promoting Design Quality and Reducing Crime’. Quality and convenient pedestrian crossings will be promoted to facilitate safe and direct movement across busy roads. Development shall contribute towards these connections and quality cycle parking where appropriate in line with The Development Principles and the Council’s Parking Standards set out in Policy STR/2;
  4. Key Strategic Transport Schemes are identified on the Proposals Map and Key Diagram. Transport schemes which lead to improvements in accessibility will be supported in principle. In considering development proposals, the potential for more sustainable means of transport related to the uses and users of the development must be addressed, including the preparation of Travel Plans.

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