3. Planning and the Welsh Language


The role of planning to sustain the Welsh language is supported by the Welsh Assembly Government’s documents, such as PPW and TAN 20. It is also reflected in development plan policies in Conwy. Strategic Policy 5 of the Gwynedd Structure Plan and Policy CG6 of the Colwyn Borough Plan currently guide planning decisions in Conwy (see Background Paper 33 for further information). Eventually, these plans will be replaced by the Conwy LDP (see section 4 below).

New development can have both beneficial and harmful effects on the Welsh language. Beneficial effects can occur if development encourages Welsh speakers to remain in their communities, or when it supports the viability of village facilities, such as the school. Harmful effects can occur when a disproportionate number of non-Welsh speakers move into a community. This can often have cumulative effects, for example, by reducing the use of the Welsh language among Welsh speakers.

It is the impact of development on the community, rather than on particular individuals, that is relevant to the planning system. TAN 20 states that policies should not seek to introduce any element of discrimination between individuals on the basis of their linguistic ability.

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