4. The Local Development Plan and the Welsh Language


The Council consulted on the Deposit LDP between April and July 2009. Following comments received on the draft plan, policy CTH/5 has been amended to read as follows:


The Council will ensure that development supports and sustains the long term well-being of the Welsh language, and will resist development which, because of its size, scale or location, will significantly harm the character and linguistic balance of a community. This will be achieved by requiring proposals which are likely to have a significant effect (including cumulative impact) on the Welsh language to be accompanied by a linguistic statement and/or, in some cases, by a linguistic impact assessment (including cumulative impact).

The following sentence will be inserted at the end of the supporting text to the policy:

‘The Council will prepare Supplementary Planning Guidance to inform applicants of the requirements. Background Paper 33 provides evidence to support this approach.’  

The LDP strategy and policies state that only affordable housing for local need is permitted in minor villages and hamlets (see policies DP/2, HOU/1 and HOU/2).

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