9. Overall Impact Assessment Index

The answers to these questions provide numerical assessments of community impact (i.e the positive, neutral, or negative scores for Table 1) of each question and these are aggregated to form (i) a base community impact index and (ii) indexes of impact across each of the five community dimensions. On the basis of language profiling (following the framework methodology set out in the main toolkit documentation), assessors will have determined whether the Welsh language has ‘high’, ‘middle’ or ‘low’ importance in the community. Base index scores are converted into high, middle and low language impact scores (1= high positive impact, to -1= high negative impact). It is a matter of local judgement as to which score is deemed appropriate.

You do not need to complete this table with your application; the Planning Officer completes the table and it is provided here for information only

Overall (Base) Index Score:  Impact on the COMMUNITY in general terms:  0

Language Impact Scores:    If Language considered to have HIGH importance: 0

                                        If Language considered to have MIDDLE importance: 0

                                       If Language considered to have LOW importance: 0

Note: Sources to be given out of 10 (divisible by 10) to give base impact measure, or divisible by total number of questions that can be answered. 0.1 – 1.0 denotes grades of positive impact, 0 denotes neutral, -1.0 - -0.1 denotes grades of negative impact. The use of high, middle or low importance of language is a local decision, for example where there is a high or low proportion of Welsh speakers, or where there is a desire to promote the Welsh language 

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