10. Assessing Proposals/Mitigation Measures


The following list provides examples of possible mitigation measures that could be included in development proposals. The list is not exhaustive and many are governed by Planning Obligations, whereas others may be more appropriate as conditions or unilateral undertakings.

The list below should be read alongside the Council’s draft SPG on Planning Obligations. It will be imperative that whatever is sought has a direct relationship with the planning permission. It will be important to ensure that what is being asked for is reasonably related in scale and kind to the proposal and doesn’t make development unviable

It will also be necessary for there to be evidence that the development would have an adverse effect on the Welsh language, determined through the completion of the relevant Statement or Impact Assessment and assessed by the LPA.



  • Phasing the number of houses to be built;
  • Provision of an appropriate mix of housing, including affordable housing for local needs (based on Housing Need and Rural Housing Enabler studies, where available);
  • Agreements to provide for people on the local housing register;
  • Provision of street names / development names which have regard to local linguistic heritage.

Employment (including retail)

  • Local labour contracts;
  • Support for local skills training initiatives;
  • Provision for bilingual signs within and outside the establishment.


  • Support and funding for language induction and staff language lessons e.g. short targeted courses related to both the employers’ and employees’/persons’ needs;
  • Support the funding for cultural and language initiatives/projects to encourage the use of the language within communities;
  • Support for the provision of school places in the local Welsh medium school(s);
  • Support and funding for language and cultural awareness courses.
Applicants should consult with local organisations to establish what language-related initiatives are currently available in Conwy and the surrounding area. Menter Iaith Conwy lists recent news and projects on its website and there is a list of ‘courses in the community’ on the Council’s website. Please see section 12 for the full references.

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